Apple Inc Company History

Apple Inc Logo
Apple Inc Company History - Apple, Inc. (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is a company located in Silicon Valley, Cupertino, Calif., that specializes in computer technology.

Apple helps the beginning of the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and promote these products since the 1980s to the present with the Macintosh. Apple is famous for his creation hardware, such as the iMac, Macbook, the iPod music player and iPhone mobile phone. Some of his creation software has been able to compete in a creative field such as Final Cut Pro video editing, sound editing and Logic Pro music player that also functions as an iTunes song store online.

The first step toward Apple Inc.

Prior to helping set up Apple, Steve Wozniak was an electronics hacker. In 1975, he worked at Hewlett-Packard and helping his friend Steve Jobs design video games for Atari.

At the time, Wozniak has bought computer time on a variety of minicomputers hosted by Call Computer, a timesharing company. Computer terminal at the time that the majority of paper-based; thermal printer such as the Texas Instruments Silent 700 were the most advanced.

Wozniak saw an article in Popular Electronics magazine 1975 issue contains how to create your own computer terminal. Using tools that can be purchased at the store, Wozniak to design and create computer named Computer Conversor, video teletype that can be used for the minicomputers at Call Computer. Its design was later bought by Call Computer, and some units were sold.

In 1975, Wozniak started attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club club. New microcomputers such as the Altair 8800 and IMSAI inspired him to put a microprocessor in his video teletype to make a complete computer.

At that time a lot of available CPU Intel 8080 is $ 179 and the 6800 $ 170. Wozniak preferred the 6800, but the price is too expensive. He was then unconscious and only computer design on paper.
Steve Wozniak

When the MOS Technology 6502 chip manufacturing in 1976 with $ 20, Wozniak wrote a version of BASIC for the chip and start to design a computer to run it. 6502 chip designed by the same person who had designed the Motorola 6800.

Wozniak then managed to make the computer and bring it to the meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club for the show. At a meeting Wozniak met his old friend Steve Jobs is interested in the commercial potential of small computers.

First years

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had been friends for a long time. First met in 1971 when a friend introduced Wozniak who was then aged 21 years to Jobs who was 16 years old. Jobs persuaded Wozniak to make and sell computers.

Jobs approached a local computer store The Byte Shop who are interested in buying a computer but the computer only came fully assembled, the store owner Paul Terrell said he was ready to buy 50 units for $ 500 each.

The machine only has a few advantages. One can use the TV as a monitor in which many machines do not have a monitor at all. This was not like modern monitors and displays only the text at 60 characters per second.

This machine, the Apple I and the bootstrap code on ROM, which makes it easier to start. Finally at the insistence of Paul Terrell, Wozniak also designed a cassette interface for loading and saving programs at 1.200 bits / sec, a speed high enough at the time.

Although the machine was fairly simple design is a masterpiece, using the number of components with far fewer computers and the like Wozniak had a reputation as a master designer.

Assisted by another friend Ronald Wayne, three of them began to build the machines. By using a variety of ways, including borrowing space from friends and family, sell a variety of personal property (such as calculators and a VW Combi), scavenging, and a little deceiving.

Steve Jobs
Jobs managed to get the components needed while Wozniak and Wayne assembled the machines. Completed and sent in June, they are paid as promised by Paul Terrell. In the end, 200 of the Apple I's were built.

But Wozniak was more advanced than the Apple I. Many of the design Apple I made because of limited funds they had to make a prototype. But with revenues from sales of the Apple I, he can start the production of more sophisticated computers, Apple II; Apple II was introduced to the public on the West Coast Computer Faire in April 1977.

The main difference with the Apple I was completely redesigned TV view, where the view is stored in memory. In this way not only can monitor text display can also display images and colors in the end.

Jobs at the same time emphasizing the design of the casing and keyboard are better off with the idea that the machine should be complete and ready to run. Apple I can almost be like that but users still have to plug various parts together and write code to run BASIC.

Made aware of such a computer would cost a lot. Jobs started looking for cash but Wayne was somewhat hesitant because he was a failed venture four years earlier and eventually left the company.

Jobs eventually met with Mike Markkula which guarantees bank loans of $ U.S. 250,000 and the three formed Apple Computer company on 1 April 1976. With funding and design a new form, the Apple II was released in 1977 and became a computer that is usually associated with the advent of the PC market.

Millions were sold well into the 1980s. When Apple went public in 1980, they generate the most funds since Ford went public in 1956.

Various models of the Apple II produced, including the Apple IIe and Apple IIgs.

Apple III and Lisa

Entering the decade of 1980, Apple faces competition in the personal computer business. Chief among them are IBM, the first in the computer field. IBM's PC DOS operating system and licensed to IBM by Microsoft won a large portion of market share for desktop computers, large companies are still young.

Some smaller companies are using an Apple II, but Apple felt it needed a new, more advanced models to compete in the field of computer desks to large corporations.

So the designers of the Apple III were forced to comply with Jobs that are too high and impossible to fulfill. One of them is to remove the cooling fan - which, according to Steve Jobs is not elegant. The new machines were prone to overheating and partial models should initially be withdrawn from the market.

Apple III as very expensive even if Apple tried to issue a revised version in 1983 that also failed in the market.

Meanwhile, some groups within Apple is also trying to develop new types of personal computers, with advanced technologies such as graphical user interface using the mouse, object-oriented programming and networking capabilities.

People such as Jef Raskin and Bill Atkinson tries to convince Steve Jobs to give full support in developing their ideas.

Some Apple Products

Clamshell iBook G3

Apple ipod

MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro



Only after they took Steve Jobs to see the technology developed at Xerox PARC on the Alto in December 1979 Steve Jobs then rest assured that the future will bring a computer-intensive graphics and icon-friendly.

Although the idea was to invite disagreement with many of PARC's research experts that ultimately works to Apple like Larry Tesler, Xerox granted Apple engineers to the PARC facilities in the agreement that Apple will sell a million of their shares before the company went public (total price when It ranges from U.S. $ 18 million). Lisa debuted in January 1983 at a price of U.S. $ 10,000.

Once again, Apple introduced a product that was ahead of its time, but too expensive (this error Apple will continue to be repeated over several years), and Apple once again failed to capture the business market. Apple Lisa was later dismissed in 1986.


Project Lisa is removed from the control of Steve Jobs when he was half finished. Steve Jobs then turned his attention to the Macintosh project, which was originally seen as a kind of a cheaper Lisa. Apple Macintosh was launched in 1984 with a television ad titled 1984, based on a novel by George Orwell who also was named in 1984, with the statement, "On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh.

And you'll see why 1984 will not be like '1984 '"- meaning of those words is a new Macintosh computer and the information will liberate from the fetters of large corporations and technocrats.

Apple also spawned the concept of Apple (Apple evangelist), which was pioneered by Apple employee named Guy Kawasaki.

Despite concerns about the lack of available software, the screen is black and white and design closed, Macintosh brand eventually became a successful product for Apple, even today.

Many feel that success should be much greater than the reality. When Bill Gates Microsoft co-founder and current leader visited the Apple headquarters in Cupertino, Steve Jobs demonstrated a prototype of a graphical user interface for the Macintosh.

In 1985 Microsoft launched Windows, a graphical user interface of their own for IBM computers. At that time IBM was the computer system in a reverse-engineered and many companies also make computers compatible with IBM.

Although Apple gives license to some of the other products they never gave permission other companies to make compatible with Macintosh computers, so Microsoft can dominate an existing market share. At that time Apple realized that it was too late to reclaim the market power they once had.

Macintosh compatible computers sold in the 1990s was only a minor success. Although the first Windows version is out of date compared to the Macintosh, the software and is compatible with Windows computers can be bought at prices far cheaper than a Macintosh.

Plus improvements made Microsoft a quick catch up. As well as disclosure of which is owned by IBM-compatible computers lead to more software available for Windows than Macintosh.

Apple Now

After the failure of the Macintosh Portable in 1989, Apple tried to introduce a portable computer that is more popular PowerBook in the early 1990s. The first generation of products is designed with Sony and provide layout for portable computers are still used today: a hinge behind to support the screen, the keyboard is laid back and protrudes into the trackball (which later became the trackpad) is positioned in front of the keyboard.

But the PowerBook brand suffered a blow when the PowerBook 5300 models have many quality problems such as batteries are easily damaged, porous framework that is easy and the screen is not good.

The product of the first Apple and now also includes an operating system such as ProDOS, Mac OS, Mac OS X, and A / UX, networking products such as AppleTalk, and multimedia programs such as QuickTime and Final Cut software series. In 1994, Apple updated its Macintosh with the introduction of the Power Macintosh, which uses a PowerPC processor developed by IBM, Motorola and Apple.

These processors use a RISC architecture, which is much different from previous Motorola 680X0 series. Apple's operating system tailored to software developed for the older processor can run with the series PowerPC processors.

Having problems with Apple's leadership in the new CEO John Sculley in dekare the 1980s, Steve Jobs out of Apple and founded NeXT Inc. company., Which eventually failed, after a good start. Later, Apple in an effort to save his company, they bought NeXT and its UNIX-based operating system NeXTstep that it also brought back Steve Jobs to the company he founded.

a first step which he did as a leader while at Apple was he had the idea to develop the iMac, Apple's products to be saved from destruction while providing time for them to streamline the existing operating system.

Apple released a product after it is using the Apple Airport Wireless LAN technology to connect computers to the Internet without using wires. They also issued iBook and PowerMac G4.

In early 2002, Apple released iMac G4. This computer has a half-round bottom and flat screen supported by a movable neck.

This model was discontinued in the summer of 2004. A new model that uses the G5 processor was released on August 31, 2004 and went on sale in mid-September the same year.

This model negates the bottom and pack the entire central processing unit (central processing unit) on the back of the computer screen that is supported by a sleek aluminum foot. The computer, dubbed the iMac G5 is the world's thinnest desktop computer, with a thickness of only two inches or 5.1 cm.

In mid 2003, Apple released the fifth generation of PowerPC processors that use the PowerPC 970 processor series developed by IBM. This is a 64 bit computer the first time available to the public.

In 2001, Apple introduced Mac OS X, an operating system based off of NeXTstep that combines the stability, reliability and security of Unix with the ease of using the Macintosh into a software that can be used both for those engaged in professional or personal .

Mac OS X also has a program called Classic Environment to run software designed for the old operating system 9.1-9.2.2.

Apple also provides an option for software developers who long to use Carbon technology can be adapted so that their programs directly into the Mac OS X. In this way, a program can take advantage of all the new features available in Mac OS X.

In January 2007, Apple entered the mobile phone market by introducing the iPhone, which will be released in the same year in the U.S.. At the same time, the company name will also be trimmed off the word "Computer" to represent the company's product diversification.

However, in 2011, was replaced by Apple CEO Tim Cook, due to the resignation of Steve Jobs from his post on August 24, 2011. Then, on 5 October 2011, Steve Jobs, former Apple CEO and founder, died of pancreatic cancer.


When the deadline is the name for his business has reached 3 months, Steve Wozniak and then offer to its staff: "If to 5 pm today no one find a good name for this company, the name will be taken from anything that I like .. ". After 5 pm, still no one found the right name, happened to Steve Wozniak was eating an apple at the time, and according to the statement, the company took the name of the apple as a company Apple Computers.

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